Saturday, April 30, 2011

monster voice

I don't have a very good recording of this yet, but I wanted to jot it down before I forget. Kaylea has this voice that she talks in and I call it her "monster voice." It's so funny. It's just a little deeper than normal and it's super cute. She's starting to do it on command when I ask her to talk in her monster voice. I'm hoping to get a recording of it soon!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

silly goose

Kaylea loved playing with the toys the Easter bunny brought her, but it looks like she got a little confused. Instead of putting her babies in the crib, she took them all out and put herself in it! Such a silly goose.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter

The Bunny Came
Aunt Shannan & Kaylea
Brenden & Kaylea
Hunting Eggs
Playing with Her New Baby & High Chair
Just a quick Happy Easter to all our friends and family. We hope you had a great day celebrating and that you didn't need a boat to get to your destination!

dancing queen

This weekend we went to a wedding of a long time friend. Congratulations to Brittany Worden and Kevin Tribbey. Brittany is the little sister of my best friend from high school. We had a feeling that Kaylea would love the wedding and she did! She was on the dance floor before anyone else dancing the night away. It was pretty cute. Guess she's going to be our little dancing queen - like it or not :)
she LOVED being swung
look at that tongue
so i put my hands up!
daddy & kaylea
rarely get a picture with my mom :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

thunder over louisville

How did we spend Thunder Over Louisville? Celebrating Mimi's birthday and hanging out with Lucas (and his mom & dad)! My mom's birthday was on Saturday, so we took her out to dinner. Erin & Chris invited us over to watch Thunder (I haven't been down there in years). We knew that Kaylea wouldn't make it for the fireworks, but we thought we could let Kaylea have a little play date anyway. Lucas and Kaylea played great together - better than ever before. I think they both had a great time. Kaylea stayed up about an hour later than usual, but didn't make it for Thunder. She slept well on Saturday night!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

coloring easter eggs

Nothing quite says Spring like pastel colored Easter Eggs! We decided it was time to make it look like Spring around here. Mimi came over and we got out the dye and colored some eggs. I'm sure this is a tradition we will keep up for years. Kaylea liked putting the eggs in the colored water. After they were colored, she wanted the eggs, "open." We cracked several of them and she rolled them down the driveway or fed them to the Doodle. When we were finished, we hid the remaining eggs in the yard and had an Easter Egg hunt (last practice before next week). Kaylea did a great job finding the eggs. She was much quicker than I anticipated. She had a blast.
Bunny Ears!
Getting an Egg
Mimi Helping
The Search is On
She Founds the Ones that Were Hard to Find
Having Daddy "Open" an Egg
Excuse the Happy Birthday Bib :-)

Monday, April 11, 2011

21 months

Here are a few things I want to remember about Kaylea when she was 21 months old -

  • Our sweet girl throws tantrums, especially when she is tired.

  • Favorite foods include - apples, mac & cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, cookies

  • Kaylea has a rather large vocabulary. When we are out, she is often complimented on how clearly she talks and the number of works she can say. She has said 3 word sentences (favorites - I'll cook it; I go to school) and is starting to say 4 word sentences.

  • She follows simple instructions - if we tell her to go to another room and get something, she will.

  • She can identify some colors - orange & pink she almost always gets right.

  • She brushes her teeth (and does a pretty good job).

  • She can identify her body parts - head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, cheeks, tongue, arms, legs, knees, shoulders, back, booty, elbows, finders. She uses this as a bedtime distraction method.

  • Walks up and down stairs (we hold her hand even when she doesn't want us to).

  • Throws things overhand.

  • Opens and closes door (likes to hear me scream "OPEN" when she closes them.

  • Names people/Doodle in pictures.

  • Loves to stand on an elevated surface and put on a show singing and dancing (Wheels on the Bus is definitely the favorite).

  • Generally an excellent sleeper - most nights we tell her it's time to go night, night, hold her and sing a few songs, then lay her down. She's asleep within minutes most nights.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

a walk in the park

Who knew a Friday night spent at McDonald's, the park, and Mom & Pops could be so much fun? It can be when you have a hyper 21 month old to chase after. Our friends always let us know where the great park are. Friday, we went to Bob Hedge park in Jeffersonville. It was perfect for toddlers and Kaylea had a blast. Honestly, we could have stopped at the swings. Mimi joined us for a little bit and then we met up with Pop for some ice cream. Perfect Friday night.

About to Slide

Her Personal Favorite

elmo's green thumb

We took Kaylea to see Sesame Street Live on Saturday at the Brown Theater. She seemed to enjoy it. She did a lot of pointing out the characters and saying Elmo and Ernie. Those must be her favorites. Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of good pictures. On anothher note, we have a silly girl. Kaylea has a Mr. Potato Head nose in her mouth. Sometimes she picks it up and calls it a paci! On this particular day she says, "where paci go?" and comes back out of her room with this.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

sunday at the zoo

Today, we met our friends, Amy, Art, & Alton at the zoo. We got there about an hour before them, but we had a good time when they arrived. It was perfect weather for a trip to the zoo. We went after Kaylea's nap and it was not nearly as crowded as I expected. Kaylea got to ride the carousel and she loved it - so much in fact, that when she had to get off, she screamed! What a great way to end the weekend.
Amy, Art, & Alton
Loving the Carousel
Daddy, Kaylea, and the Giraffes
Daddy, Kaylea, & Mommy