Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I Love the Vegas

I was able to take a trip with girlfriends to Las Vegas this week.  It was an awesome experience.  This is definitely my favorite city and I got to experience it in a different way by going with the ladies.  I tried a few new things and some new restaurants.  Even though I didn't win, I had an amazing time.  I can't wait to do it again!!!

Poor Mimi

My mom has been sick.  I feel like cancer is taking my mom away and I don't like it.  Last week she went in for chemo after not being able to breath for almost a week.  It was bad.  They ended up admitting her to the ER where they drained almost 2 liters of fluid from her lungs.  I don't even understand what the fluid is, but I have researched it enough to understand the cause.

Today, Jordy went with my mom to chemo and I joined them during my lunch at work.  My mom didn't end up having her chemo because her port is now infected.  They ended up admitting her to the hospital to administer IV fluids and to ultrasound it.  Also, based on some things we have been telling them about the way she has been acting, they decided to do a precautionary MRI to see if the cancer has spread to her lungs.  

Kaylea and I went to visit her today and Dr. Kaylea took good care of her.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

UofL Cheer Clinic

Kaylea had a busy social life this weekend.  Friday we invited Lucy to come over and spend the night.  We had dinner at KFC and then went (along with my mom) to see Paddington at the movies.  The girls stayed up until after 1am.

Saturday afternoon we had two showing on our house.  Kaylea went to Stella's to celebrate her 6th birthday.  Jordy and I went to dinner and then came back to the house.  My uncle was in town for a few hours.

Sunday afternoon Kaylea attended a cheer clinic with the cheerleaders and dancers at the UofL girl's basketball game.  They practiced for an hour.  While they only got a little bit of time on the court to cheer, Kaylea really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Half Birthday Kaylea

Kaylea Jordyn is 5 1/2!  It's hard to believe she has been in our lives that long.  There are days that are challenging and tiring, but I wouldn't give up that sweet smile for anything.  I love her so much.  She actually talked me into giving her a present for her half birthday this year.  I had a toy in my gift closet stash that I knew she would love, so I ended up giving it to her.  She loved it.

Cooking with Kids

Saturday morning we headed to Adrienne's Bakery for cooking with kids.  For $10, it is a great deal.  Of the 20 plus kids, we knew 8 attending, which made it even more fun.  Kaylea decorated 2 donuts, a cupcake, made a cookie, ate macaroni and cheese & bread, and drank hot chocolate.  Kaylea got to spend time with her friends and have a great time.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Story Writing

Kaylea loves writing stories.  She also loves to have us write stories.  Target has some hardback and softball books in the dollar spot, so we always buy them.  We started a story about the backpack that was afraid of people.  Good mommy/daughter bonding time!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Tuesday afternoon, Kaylea had a dentist appointment.  She actually likes going to the dentist.  She had a cleaning and X-rays.  The dentist said her teeth look great.  He also mentioned that her bottom teeth and one top tooth was loose and we should expect it to fall out within the next month.  Are we ready for the Tooth Fairy???

Texas Visitors

We were thrilled to have some out of town visitors last week.  My aunt and uncle, from Texas, came in town.  We got to spend some time hanging out.  The same night Kaylea and I had dinner with my mom and dad at Frisches.  Afterward, we made a return to Toys R Us and purchased this No Sew Sewing machine.  Kaylea played with it for hours.  We made a pillow, a purse, and a stuffed animal.  We had a great time.  Trina and Mikey came over later in the evening and hung out with us for awhile.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Year in Review 2014

January 2014
I flew to Pittsburgh to start my Lean Six Sigma Training.  I came back with the flu!

February 2014
Kaylea & I went to see Sesame Street Live.

March 2014
We lost our beloved dog, Doodle.  

April 2014
Jordy & I celebrated 15 years of marriage in Las Vegas

May 2014
Kaylea & I went to Disney World

June 2014
Kaylea graduated from preschool at Christian Academy

We also went on a family trip to Punta Cana

July 2014
We celebrated Kaylea turning 5!

August 2014
We bought a new house & Kaylea started kindergarten.

September 2014
Kaylea "served" her first day at church.

October 2014
We went to Gatlinburg on Fall Break.

November 2014
We went on our first Polar Express train ride.

December 2014
We took a limo ride with the family to look at Christmas lights.

2014 was an awesome year with a lot of great highlights.  The best moment for me, was developing a deeper relationship with God and finding a church home.  Jordy says his was doing better with going to church.  2014 provided me with a new job.  We had some sad moments and some devastating moments, but I choose to focus on all the blessing we had in 2014. Happy New Year.