Sunday, August 29, 2010

Something To Remember

We celebrated my 30th birthday a little early this year and apparently Kaylea was excited (or ate too much cake). She usually is soooo sleepy by 8:00 each night. Not last night. In fact, I think she stayed up until 10:15. Honestly, she was in the best mood she had been in all week. That combined with the fact that I had not seen her too much this week, convinced me we should stay up and play. She was wild. She was running through the house. She was telling us all of the animal sounds. She was so stinking cute. She learned a few new words last night. She says, "night, night" and runs to her room to get her blanket. And she says eyes as she tries to poke your eyes out. She is such a sweetheart!


We got Kaylea this bubble mower awhile back, but she just started liking it. The bubbles don't work very well, but I don't think she cares. She actually doesn't want to mow. She wants to pick the entire thing up and carry it. When she tries and can't she gets a little upset and screams.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Water Hose or Shower?

Monday after work, I decided to water my flowers (as a side note, I have kept them alive longer this year than ever). As you can see, Kaylea decided she wanted to take a shower. Look at the picture very close and you can see her sticking her tongue out for a drink. Honestly, this was maybe the most fun I've had this month. It was hilarious to watch her run back and forth through the water shrieking and falling on her butt. She makes me so happy.

Well, I Was Watering The Flowers

Kaylea's Word List

I have been working on a list of words that Kaylea says or has said. I'm sorry to bore you, but this a replacement for our baby book, so I want to have it.

doodle (the dog)
quack (or quack, quack, quack)
sock (cocks)
coke (she is referring to milk)
cookie (one of her favorites)
cake (in reference to pancakes)

Day Care

I cannot believe I forgot to post about Kaylea going to day care. Kaylea started at week care a little over 3 weeks ago. She is going to Wee Care. Lucky for me, her daddy takes her most mornings. It's been tough on both of us. From my experience, the first few times I dropped her off, she wrapped her legs and arms around my waist and neck and screamed when I put her down. The workers are amazing and pick her up and take her to look out the window to look at the birds. I walk out with tears in my eyes, but she has always stopped crying before I get out the door. Today when I dropped her off, the lady asked Kaylea if she wanted to come to her and Kaylea threw her arms out for the lady to pick her up. I think that broke my heart just as much as when she cried. The conflicts of a working mother

Each day we get a report on what Kaylea ate and how her mood was. She cried the first few days, but they said each day that she got better, so that was good news. She no longer cries at day care. In fact, Jordy (since he gets to pick her up most days) says when he picks her up, she is usually in a group of 3 or 4 kids playing.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Little Cardinal

This is against everything I believe in, but I saw this outfit and just could not resist. Isn't she adorable???

Walking the Doodle

Kaylea is always up for taking the Doodle for a walk. She loves to grab the leash.


Kaidyn came over the other night and really wanted to help Kaylea put her shoes on. This may be the longest Kaylea sat still all week!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Old Pictures

Petting Zoo

We took Kaylea to the petting zoo on Saturday morning. Who knew they didn't open until 10am? Don't they know Kaylea gets up much earlier than that. We waited on the petting zoo to open by checking out the ducks. Kaylea knows what ducks are. She had a great time checking out the animals, but she really loved the slide. She fell over and hit her head at one point and after about 5 second of crying, she wanted right back on. That's my girl!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mickey Crazy

Kaylea is obsessed with Mickey. She is constantly saying "icky" or "hicky" or some other version of the word. Kaidyn had an extra large Mickey Mouse balloon at her birthday part and decided to bring it over for Kaylea. Kaylea has been hugging it, pouncing on it, and shaking it to death. Thanks, Kaidyn! Kaylea loves it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaidyn

My best friend's (and next door neighbor) daughter celebrated her 2nd birthday today. I cannot believe I only took 2 pictures and have none of Kaidyn. We were too busy on the heels of Kaylea. She had a great time. Happy Birthday Kaidyn!

Gold Fish

Gold Fish snacks have become a fan favorite in our house. It doesn't matter what flavor. Kaylea will get them out of the pantry and bring them to you when she wants them (which is always)!


As most of you know, my mom and I both work for the Postal Service. My mom has been a letter carrier for 25 years and I have worked for the Post Office for almost 10 years, so it should come as no surprise to know I had to buy this mailbox when I saw it online. Kaylea has been mailing her letters!

Head Bop

Kaylea is doing this new thing that her daddy showed her. We are referring to it at the head bop. She thinks it's her golden ticket. Mostly she does it when you tell her no, but sometimes she just walks through the house or sits in the high chair and does it. It's hilarious!

Future Cardinal???

The cardinal bird was at Click Photography in New Albany this weekend taking pictures. I wanted to get my picture with the bird and invited Jordy and Kaylea to come along. I think the picture turned out great. Maybe we have a future Cardinal???