Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sneak Peek

It's no secret, prices in DC are extreme and that includes photography.  I really wanted cherry blossom photos and you only have a few days to strike, so we planned to do our anniversary photos and Kaylea's birthday photos all at once.  We got a few family pictures in there, too!  Our photographer was awesome and sent me a few sneaks peeks later that night!

The Weekend

After a week apart, I was happy to be reunited with the family.  I was able to have most of the day Friday home and I'm taking the day off on Monday.  We played, shopped, had friends over, celebrated Easter, and went to the park.  There is probably a lot more, but a lot of fun was had this weekend.

Spring Break

Jordy, Kaylea, and my mom went to Indiana for Spring Break.  I had a work obligation and had to stay in DC for the week.  I can't tell you all of the details of what they did, but I was lucky enough to get a few photos.

Tyler's 4th Birthday

Another Lost Tooth While Out of Town

Girl Scouts

I helped out with Girl Scouts last week so I captured a few photos.  We had a good time.  My mom and I worked with the girls on tie dying bandannas.  Stefanie was going to take them home and do them after the girls tied them up, but I offered to work that station with them.  Messy is fun!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekend Edition - Getting Ready for Easter

I try to fill most weekends with fun.  This weekend was no exception.  After selling Girl Scout cookies with her troop, we took Kaylea and Alannah to paint pottery.  They each chose to paint a cupcake container.  After painting we went back to the house for pizza and Easter egg painting.  We tried a few new techniques this year.  We used shaving cream, glitter, and old fashion food coloring.  The next day, I let them decorate cookies.  We made a lot of  messes, but had a lot of fun!

Acting Class

Kaylea recently began taking theater class at Acting for Young People, which is  part of George Mason University. AFYP provides actors of all ages with professional-level training in a supportive and fun environment.  Through the training, Kaylea is works with professionals in the industry including actors, directors, and teaching artist.  Kaylea is currently in the Mini Actors Showcase.  It is a 60 minutes class, once a week, where she is taught the building blocks of acting and theater.  The class is encouraging her to use her imagination and gain confidence as she learns the process of putting on a play.  The best part is she has the experience of performing for a live audience in Mason’s Theater Space.  This year’s play is Beauty and the Beast, Belle’s Enchanted Library.  Kaylea decided to be “Becca” from pitch perfect.  She has about 5 lines that she will say on her own.  She is loving the class and we are looking forward to her performance in May.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Catching Up

It's been awhile since I've blogged. It's not that was haven't been doing anything, because we have been keeping very busy.  However, I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures.  We've had sleepovers, play dates, sold girl scout cookies, and hung out with friends.  I'm sure there are many things I'm failing to cover, but we've been doing a lot!  I'm thankful for the life God had given us.