Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Half Birthday Kaylea

Today is Kaylea's 6 Month Birthday! Below are things we love about our sweet baby girl.

1. You loves hearing Old MacDonald - it is her favorite song!
2. Your favorite foods are carrots, sweet potatoes, and just about any fruit.
3. You love smiling at yourself in the mirror.
4. You will give us 5 (most of the time when we ask).
5. You like to roll over - front to back/back to front.
6. You love the doodle - you try to grab her ears & laugh a lot when she is in front of you.
7. You eat baby food twice a day.
8. You go to bed around 8:30 and sleep until about 7:00 or so. Sometimes you wake up to eat at 6:30, but you usually go back to sleep until 9:00.
9. You are taking 2-3 naps a day. Some are short, some are long.
10. You don't have any teeth.
11. You like to be bounced up and down on my knee.
12. You enjoy our nightly routine and most of the time don't care who gives you a bath or puts you to bed.
13. You are standing up, but not on your own!
14. You love the exersaucer, but get mad if you can't get the star in your mouth.
15. You like playing with your toys - mostly you like putting them in your mouth.
16. You like Mum Mums

Ok - I didn't really give her the cupcake!

Happy Half Birthday

We are going to take Kaylea's picture by the piano every year for her 1/2 birthday. I was going to buy a stuffed animal or something, but we figured we would have the piano for a long time, so we decided it was perfect. Look how little our munchkin is on her first 1/2 birthday!

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