Monday, May 10, 2010


Instead of making 2 posts, I decided to just title this one, "Random." Kaylea is 10 months old today. Her little personality is so great. She is a very happy baby. She has learned to clap and does it all the time. She thinks she is hot stuff when she claps her little hands together. She is starting to say, "light." She can point to wear the lights are. She also knows several of her toys. She can point out her Boo, Abby Cadabby, and her monkey.

Below is another preview of her birthday party outfit. She is wearing an Abby Cadabby inspired tutu. Isn't it adorable?

We had a great Mother's Day. I didn't get any pictures. It's so hard to take pictures when you are enjoying the moment. Jordy & Kaylea took me to Panera Bread (my choice) for breakfast on Sunday. We had lunch with Jordy's family. I got flowers (my favorite - star gazer lilies - you can keep your roses) and tickets to two shows (Wicked & Legally Blonde). Jordy and Kaylea hung out while I took a really long nap and got a pedicure. Later in the evening, I went to Bingo with my mom. We didn't win any money, but we had a great time. Kaylea even stayed up until I got home at 10:00. It was an awesome Mother's Day.


Amy said...

Happy Mother's Day Ashlea. Love the pictures of Kaylea in her tutu.

Jill said...

Oh my! Lovin' the tutu. She is beautiful!