Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day Care

I cannot believe I forgot to post about Kaylea going to day care. Kaylea started at week care a little over 3 weeks ago. She is going to Wee Care. Lucky for me, her daddy takes her most mornings. It's been tough on both of us. From my experience, the first few times I dropped her off, she wrapped her legs and arms around my waist and neck and screamed when I put her down. The workers are amazing and pick her up and take her to look out the window to look at the birds. I walk out with tears in my eyes, but she has always stopped crying before I get out the door. Today when I dropped her off, the lady asked Kaylea if she wanted to come to her and Kaylea threw her arms out for the lady to pick her up. I think that broke my heart just as much as when she cried. The conflicts of a working mother

Each day we get a report on what Kaylea ate and how her mood was. She cried the first few days, but they said each day that she got better, so that was good news. She no longer cries at day care. In fact, Jordy (since he gets to pick her up most days) says when he picks her up, she is usually in a group of 3 or 4 kids playing.

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