Monday, November 8, 2010

15 months

I am a little late posting this, but better late than never. Here are some things our sweet baby girl has been doing since 15 months.

  • Kaylea is a mocking bird - she tries to repeat everything you say. There are way too many words for me to list, but some of her favorites include shoes, socks, feet, coke, cat, cup, doodle, cookie, cracker, juice, no, and bye.
  • She loves to dance - she spins in circles.
  • She tries to sing songs - ABC & Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
  • She still eats a lot of baby food, but she also loves juice, Goldfish, bread, grilled cheese, cookies, and crackers.
  • She loves to play outside and will say, "side" when she wants to go.
  • Kaylea loves the doodle - she likes to pet her, share her food with her, and throw the ball to her.
  • She takes one nap a day, usually lasting 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
  • She is very attached to her blanket, poppy, and mommy.
  • She loves bath & shower time.
  • She knows several of her body parts - she can point to all of them and say most of them - head (including sleepy head), hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, and feet.
  • The girl likes TV (I know, bad mommy). She actually picks up the remote and says, "TV." She likes Mikey & Sponge Bob the best.
  • She is a very independent 15 month old.
  • She likes day care, but likes when we pick her up. As soon as she sees us, she says, "Bye" to everyone.

1 comment:

Erin Hamm said...

Impressive. We need to have a playdate again soon.