Sunday, December 26, 2010

merry christmas

Kaylea got way too much stuff this year! We had a blast celebrating with her this year. She was very blessed. Kaylea slept in after a long night on Friday. When she woke up, I brought her her milk and then we took her out to see what was under the tree. The first thing she noticed was Minnie Mouse (who she called Mickey about 3 times before she realized it was Minnie), who was sitting on her teeter totter. She ran over and got on. I was lucky to capture some video of her reaction to things. I think we may have over done it this year, but it was so much fun, we'll probably continue to over do it year after year.

She Really Wanted In

Playing with Mimi

Kaylea With Her New Camera

Santa Came!

Kaylea Must Have Been Really Good


Grillin' Up

Playhouse From Mimi

Fun with Daddy

1 comment:

Erin Hamm said...

Lucas has the same bouncer. It is fun! I like the playhouse.