Thursday, February 17, 2011

sick day with trina

I got a call from day care on Wednesday that Kaylea wasn't feeling well. I left work early to go pick her up. She had a fever, but was in a pretty great mood. It's always difficult being a "working" mother (I put that in quotes because anyone who spends time home with children recognizes that stay at home mama's work, too). I think you face the guilt of not staying home with your child and/or the guilt of not going to work when others are depending on you. There are a small handful of people who I can count on and trust to watch Kaylea when she isn't feeling great. Luckily, Trina was off on Thursday and was willing to hang out with our little monster. I went in work early so I could come home early, but Trina cared for her most of the day. My dad actually watched her a couple hours in the morning. She obviously enjoyed her time with Trina because she keeps saying her name.

Giving Trina Attitude - She Didn't Want Anymore to Eat

Giving Trina a Concert

Cakes for Breakfast

and there she is, the wonderful Miss Trina

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