Monday, April 11, 2011

21 months

Here are a few things I want to remember about Kaylea when she was 21 months old -

  • Our sweet girl throws tantrums, especially when she is tired.

  • Favorite foods include - apples, mac & cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, cookies

  • Kaylea has a rather large vocabulary. When we are out, she is often complimented on how clearly she talks and the number of works she can say. She has said 3 word sentences (favorites - I'll cook it; I go to school) and is starting to say 4 word sentences.

  • She follows simple instructions - if we tell her to go to another room and get something, she will.

  • She can identify some colors - orange & pink she almost always gets right.

  • She brushes her teeth (and does a pretty good job).

  • She can identify her body parts - head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, cheeks, tongue, arms, legs, knees, shoulders, back, booty, elbows, finders. She uses this as a bedtime distraction method.

  • Walks up and down stairs (we hold her hand even when she doesn't want us to).

  • Throws things overhand.

  • Opens and closes door (likes to hear me scream "OPEN" when she closes them.

  • Names people/Doodle in pictures.

  • Loves to stand on an elevated surface and put on a show singing and dancing (Wheels on the Bus is definitely the favorite).

  • Generally an excellent sleeper - most nights we tell her it's time to go night, night, hold her and sing a few songs, then lay her down. She's asleep within minutes most nights.

1 comment:

Jill said...

What a smart gal. And a cutie, too! :)