I was certain Kaylea was ready for potty training. I was so certain that I called day care on Friday and tried to confirm that she could be moved up to the 2 year old room on Monday (she goes to day care part time this summer - to hold her spot, but more because she loves it and we want to keep her in the routine). I.was.wrong.
We started on Friday night. She did not use the potty one time. She sat on the potty and sat on the potty, but would stand up and pee on the floor :(
We decided to keep at it on Saturday and I was pleasantly surprised when she used the potty 2 times in the morning, but that was it. No more. She would rather go on the floor. And it didn't bother her to have wet panties or to pee on herself.
I guess this little girl just isn't quite ready. So we will wait. And try again.
I've always heard not to push it, they'll do it when they're ready. Trying to decide if K is ready. I'd really love to have him trained before we I go back to school! :)
She will get it. Does she have to be potty trained to be in the 2 year old room?
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