Sunday, July 10, 2011

development - 2 years

1. Favorite Foods - pancakes (she no longer calls them cakes :( ), chicken nuggets, apples (although she is starting to try a lot more).

2. Favorite Songs - The Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bity Spider, Old MacDonald

3. Favorite Toys/Activities - Loves to draw, loves to dance, loves to swim, and loves to swing.

4. Other Favorites - animals (especially cats), books, and Barney!

5. You take art class & dance and tumble class - you are an observer. You do not love to participate in class. You like to watch the others, but as soon as you get home, you can't wait to try everything out.

6. We are constantly complimented on how well you speak. You are putting together 5-7 word sentences already and you repeat everything you say. A quick story I want to remember - we were at the license branch on Friday and it was taking forever. You were being great. I was trying to distract you by having you walk across the chairs and count them. You counted them as we walked across. The workers were just amazed. They kept saying how awesome it was that not only could you count, but you could already count objects. You also impressed them by saying their names over & over.

7. When we ask you what your name is, you respond by saying, "Kaylea Jordyn." When we ask you how old you are, you say, "2" and hold up all 10 fingers!

8. You feed your self and you finally eat table food (it took forever).

9. You are very attached to your blankie and you still use your paci.

10. You go to bed at 8:30 most nights and sleep until 7:30 or 8:00 (this is perfect since daddy is off work for the summer). You still take one nap (about 2 hours a day).

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