Tuesday, October 25, 2011

swim lessons

As soon as I met our reatlor and she told me about a meetup group GLAMS, I knew I had to join.  There is no way I could be in a new town and not have some friends.  I am so glad I joined.  While a lot of the meetups (play dates) are during the day, I have been able to attend a couple.  I also met another mom, who told me about swim lessons at Faith Community Center.  I signed Kaylea up and she is doing great.  This is a lot better than the lessons at the Y that we took before because it is not parent/tot.  The pool is a zero entry pool, so the kids can get in on their own.  The instructor is Miss Dawn and she has a helper, Ben.  Kaylea loves Ben (she likes Miss Dawn, too).  Dawn is great with the kids.  They are working on preschool stuff such as putting their faces and ears in the water and picking up rings from the bottom of the pool.  They also kick their feet and do something called motor boat (submerge).  Dawn said they are doing so well that she is introducing them to Level 1 things.  I am so proud of my baby girl!

 kaylea - jumping in the water

before lessons - splashing in the pool

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