Tuesday, September 18, 2012

home sweet home

I was so sick this past week, but dying to make a visit to Southern Indiana.  After getting there, I realized we probably should have stayed home, but oh well, it was too late.  Friday night, Kaylea got to play with Trina & Meagan while I went out for dinner with some girlfriends.  We spent the night with Nana & Pop and Kaylea ended up falling asleep on daddy in a rocking chair. 

Saturday, we decided to cancel a few plans so I could rest.  My mom took Kaylea to meet up with my dad in Palmyra.  He lives out by Buffalo Trace Park with his dad, so they met there.  Apparently the prisioners of war were having some kind of celebration in the park and Kaylea was in heaven. They had activities for the kids and she came home with a new stuffed animal.  Kaylea let "Bud" carry her around the park.  They also went to see her Great Aunt Barbara, who gave her a cat bracelet and cooked her a cheeseburger.

We had dinner club that evening, so Kaylea got to spend some time with Nana & Brenden.  Brenden was recovering from a small surgery on Friday.  We picked Kaylea up after dinner club, and once again, she fell asleep on daddy before he put her in the bed with me.

We had a great weekend visiting with everyone, but I forgot to take any pictures :(

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