Monday, August 18, 2014

Kindergarten Update

Kaylea is about 4 weeks into school and things are going well. Morning ride to school are one of my favorite parts of the day. We have aout 15 minutes to chat. I usually have to talk for a stuffed animal that rides with us, but Istill get a lot of good information out of her. Once we pull into the school parking lot I let her come sit in the front seat with me. They have a different special class everyday of the week. One of her favorite special classes is library. I don't know the librarian, but he must be super special becuase she remembers a lot of what he says. She actually likes all of her special classes, but that's her favorite. We are lucky that my mom has been able to pick her up everyday after school. She enjoys that time, too. We move into our new house this wekeend and she is insisting on riding the bus. I told her maybe I could still take her one day a week.

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