Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hello Snow Days, Good-Bye Spring Break

The forecast for Monday was calling for snow.  We got lucky and they called school off on Sunday, so we were prepared.  I rarely get a snow day, but it was Presidents' Day so I got to stay home and play.  We did a lot of relaxing, tv watching, had a tea party, and played outside.  Also, it isn't a true adventure unless we attempt to go out and do something fun.  Therefore, that evening we headed to Tomo for dinner and took Kaylea to Meijer so she could spend her Valentine's Day money.

We never expected school to be called off all week, but more snow came in on Tuesday evening and it is going to be frigid cold tomorrow.

I'm thankful that Jordy has been home with Kaylea all week because she has needed extra loving. What we thought was a cold, flu, or strep turned out not to be.  She had her first sick visit to the doctor in more than two years.  I'm thankful for a healthy child, but having such a spiked temperature scared me!  She has some antibiotics and is on the mend and looking forward to her party on Friday.

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