Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Friday Before Our Chaos

In preparation for 10 days of fun, we decided to chill out on Friday night.  It was Kaylea’s kind of night.  She came home from school and relaxed with us and played a game no the computer.  Jordy and I picked up Chic Fil A (and McDonald’s) for dinner.  While we were gone Mimi played with Kaylea for 45 minutes.  After dinner, I played with Kaylea for about 90 minutes while Jordy installed our TV on the newly finished fireplace.  The house was built in 2000 and had a large square hole for an older style TV.  It looks so good.  Kaylea asked if we could blow up the air mattress and let her sleep in the basement.  I was surprised, but she slept down there all night.

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