Thursday, February 11, 2016

Indiana Visit

This past weekend we took advantage of Kaylea being out of school and cheap airfare and flew to Indiana for the weekend.  Flights were priced right at $120 a flight!  Kaylea got to have a sleepover with Trina & Shannan.  She also got to invite Lucy & Stella out to our hotel to swim.  Lucy was able to stay and spend the night.  The girls played games, swam, ordered room service, and acted crazy. 

Friday we got our hair cut and finished some quick birthday shopping before driving to Greenville to spend some time with Jennifer & Jewell.  We spent an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese where we got to see all of our friends and play games. 

Kaylea got to spend time with Nana & Pop.  I was able to take Brenden to a Louisville basketball game and watch from a suite.  I had a girls night out with dinner and blackjack at the boat.  We came back to the room and hung out after the fun ended.  Before hitting the road Sunday morning, I was able to indulge in a 45 minute massage.  It was an amazing weekend home, but we are glad to be home.  We have traveled 3 of the last 4 weekends.

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