Sunday, April 10, 2016


We overextended ourselves this weekend.  Friday we went out on a date - dinner and a movie!  We had a sitter.  Kaylea has to wake up early on Saturdays for her theater class.  It was non-stop from that point on.  After her class, we came home and she had her friend Jordyn over.  they played for a couple of hours.  After she went home, Kaylea had just a little downtime.  Then we picked up Alannah and headed to dinner and to the circus.  We had a good time, but the circus ended late.  I think the girls stayed up pretty late into the night.  They slept until 11:00 AM when I finally had to wake them up.

We had planned on having friends over this afternoon, but we just thought Kaylea needed some "alone" time.  I think it was a good choice.

On another note, our seeds are starting to sprout.  I hope they don't take off too soon!  We had snow here this weekend.

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