Saturday, July 16, 2011

2 Year Check Up

We took Kaylea for her 2 year check up today. I was super excited because there weren't going to be any shots. No one told me that they prick their finger. That was as bad as a shot. Kaylea remembered the place when we arrived and she was not happy. As soon as she sat on the scale, she started screaming. She knew she didn't want to be here. We talked to the doctor and asked a few questions (I rarely have any).
1. Was it OK to switch her to skim milk (since we already had) instead of 2%? They said it was absolutely OK.
2. When should we take her to the dentist? The nurse said 3; the doctor said some dentist want to see them 6 months after they have teeth. I think we are going to take her at 2 1/2.
3. Kaylea has this dry skin type of thing behind her ear - asked about it and no worries - just a slight case of eczema.
Kaylea's 2 year stats - 25lbs, 11 ounces (35the percentile); 34.5 inches tall (5oth percentile); Looks like she's a healthy girl and developmentally where she should be.

1 comment:

Erin Hamm said...

Lucas didn't get his finger pricked at 2 years.