Monday, July 11, 2011

kaylea's 2nd birthday party

Kaylea slept in on her birthday until 8:40 or so. When she got up, I asked her if she wanted to eat donuts or pancakes for breakfast. From the moment I asked her, she just kept saying pancakes, want my pancakes. We took her to McDonald's because it's quick. She had her pancakes. We hung out most of the day getting ready for her party. She was one lucky gal.

Something I want to remember. I thought she might get overwhelmed and sure enough, she did. At one point, she went upstairs with Nana and "hid" under her art table. I asked her what she was doing, and she said, "I hid under table mama." I asked if she wanted to go get her cake and she said, "No, I hid under table." Poor thing.

She tried to escape back upstairs a few other times. She generally likes to stand on a chair and sing happy birthday because this is what they do at day care. In fact, last night, she stood on a chair in the living room and me, daddy, nana, and mimi sang to her. She was so excited at the end, she yelled, "AGAIN." I didn't think that would be the case today. I thought she would freak out when all of the attention was on her. Sure enough, she did. She started out standing on her chair and smiling and then she realized what was happening, and headed for mama's arms.

She was super blessed with a lot of friends and family and way too many gifts. (I uploaded my pictures in the wrong order, but I wasn't about to start over)

after the party!
could this be my child? she didn't touch her cake or ice cream

one of her favorite presents

lucas helping kaylea open gifts - she wasn't too into the gift opening

going in to give alton a kiss

kaidyn enjoying her cake

mimi & kaylea

mommy & the birthday girl

checking out her cake

daddy & the birthday girl


Erin Hamm said...

It was a great party. That mcd's drive in looks super fun!

The Wardlaw Family said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kaylea!!!!

Jill said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kaylea!!! :)

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Kaylea! :)