Sunday, December 18, 2011

traditions & living nativity

On Sunday, we carried out some of my favorite Christmas traditions.  First, we started with the annual ornament exchange.  Jordy and I have been doing this since we got married.  I will admit, we cheated a little.  I actually picked my ornament and Jordy picked his, but we both got one we wanted.  I missed the element of surprise, but it was fun to surprise Kaylea with her Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ ornament.  She was super-d-duper excited. 

Next, we gave Kaylea her Christmas pajamas.  We decided not to get a Christmas themed set this year.  I found a Dora nightgown (Dora dress as she calls it) and it was a winter theme, so I went with it. Thanks to a $10 off Kohl's and a % off coupon, it cost me like $3 (I know you love that Erin).

Since Kaylea had her pajamas we headed out to look at lights, but not before my most favorite tradition.  We started this one last year and we almost waited too late for this year.  I used to love buying gifts for an angel off of the Salvation tree, but I found something I like better.  We decided that we would help pay off a family's layaway.  We went to Walmart, only to find out that layaway ended the night before.  However, after checking with the actual department, we found out, that if we paid on an account, they could call the family to come pick it up.  Definitely one my favorite moments and things I want to teach Kaylea about growing up.

Finally, we headed out to look at Christmas lights and to check out the living nativity at Faith Community Church.  There was quite a line at the church, but it was worth the wait.  It was quite the production.  There was fire and donkeys and camels and sheep.  I knew Kaylea was going to love it.  She doesn't understand everything that Christmas is about (she keeps telling me that she needs presents), but she kept looking around for baby Jesus, so I guess she grasps more than I think.

1 comment:

Erin Hamm said...

I do love it Ashlea. I'd likt to think I am rubbing off on you. Although I know you used coupons before me. Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Too bad you got sick. I love your mailbox ornament.