Sunday, January 29, 2012

potty party

We have really been working on potty training.  We started last weekend and they have continued at day care through the week.  Kaylea has done much better than I expected.  We started a potty chart and promised her that when she filled it up we would have a potty party at Chuck E Cheese.  We have also started doing a potty dance to celebrate when she uses the potty. 

Having the potty party was probably a little premature, but it was the only weekend we were going to be in town for awhile and she had filled up the chart. 

Kaylea requested a Barney cake.  It was funny because she kept insisting that she was there for her birthday party - silly girl!  Other requests included balloons and presents and of course, we delivered.

For now, we continue to wear a pull up at night (although I don't really think she needs it).  We haven't been using a pull up at nap time and she has been fine.  I guess this is just another sign that our baby girl is growing up.

the guest of honor

potty cake

kaidyn & kaylea with parmesan cheese

tessa & kaylea (can you tell she has missed her)

shannan & kaylea

1 comment:

Erin Hamm said...

Sorry we missed it! Congrats Kaylea on doing so well.