Sunday, February 5, 2012

i think we got this...

potty thing down.  Even though she was still having accidents (with #2), we celebrated with her potty party, but I'm starting to feel confident that we can call this girl potty trained.  Not only is she pooping and peeing on the potty, she is telling us that she needs to go.  She loves these flushable toddler wipes (although I think I'm going to go with the parents choice brand).  She insists on using one to wipe.  We don't even have to bribe her anymore.  I'm so proud of our girl!  It is bittersweet, because it is just another sign that she isn't a baby.


Erin Hamm said...

Congrats Kaylea. You can get the Kandoo wipes free sometimes at Kroger. Kroger doubles up to 50 cents and sometimes they are on sale 10 for $10.00. Where are the parent choice ones?

Jill said...

Yea, Kaylea!!! That is wonderful!