Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My girl is sick.  Jordy spent the night out of town for work and when I woke up this morning, she seemed fine.  She ate an entire bagel and drank her milk and I took her to school.  I had work and 2 doctor appointments scheduled.  Just about 45 minutes after I dropped her off I got a phone call saying I needed to come pick her up.  She had a fever and runny nose. 

I cancelled my appointments, made an appointment for her, and picked her up.  We got in some much needed snuggle time.  We watched a lot of Sprout TV and enjoyed cuddling in my bed. 

By the time we got to her appointment her temperate was 102.6 (and that was with tylenol).  There wasn't a lot for the doctor to say, except what is "isn't."  It isn't pneumonia, it isn't bronchitis, or the flu. We also had a nice discussion about allergies and potential testing, but I'm not sure we are ready for that just yet.

I feel so blessed to have such an awesome mom.  I called her at 9am this morning and she was ready to ride back with Jordy by noon.  She came back to stay with Kaylea so neither of us had to take off work and Kaylea could get some great loving.  I have plenty of days I could take off  (about 4 months of sick leave and that doesn't include my vacation) and I don't mind using them when I need to...ok, I hate using them, but I don't mind using them for Kaylea, but it's awesome to have Mimi come stay with her. 

She seemed to perk up as soon as she saw Mimi - I hope it continues through tomorrow.

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