Friday, August 17, 2012

baby zuercher

Last Saturday night, we had a play date/family date with the Zuercher Family.  Jordy had joked that she would probably go into labor on Saturday.  Sure enough, just as we were pulling out of our subdivision, I got a text that Jen was in the early stages of labor.  We headed over anyway and enjoyed some pizza and play time.  By 6:30 or so, Jen decided it was time to head to the hospital.  We hung out with Owen for just a few minutes before her mom and sister arrived.  Can you believe the baby was born at 10:24pm on Saturday?

Jordy and I went to the hospital to meet him on Monday.  His name is Elliott and he was super cute and sweet.  I can't wait to get some snuggle time soon.  Congratulations Jen, Matt, & Owen!

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