Monday, September 3, 2012

weekend recap

I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have this weekend, so I'm combining our weekend into one post.  On Friday night, Jordy and I each got a girls/guys night out, while Kaylea played with Mimi.  I actually came home pretty early because I planned to work on Saturday, but I still had fun.
Nana, Pop,Shanna, and Brenden were supposed to visit on Saturday night, but Pop had to work later than expected, so they weren't able to come until Sunday morning.  To make up for it, we went to Chuck E Cheese.  It was super crowded.  After a visit with the mouse, we did our grocery shopping for the week.  Kaylea talked her daddy into buying her a dreamlight.   How sweet!
The family arrived on Sunday and Kaylea asked if they wanted to go to the mall and jump.  Kaylea and Brenden jumped on the trampoline.

Saturday night, after we took Shannan out for her birthday (September 8th), we watched the Lorax, as the request of Kaylea.

We started celebrating my birthday week ;)
I got some nice presents and Kaylea sang Happy Birthday to me.
We went out for lunch at the Olive Garden this afternoon before the family headed home. 
Kaylea didn't seem to be feeling great (she has since recovered)

While daddy got in some nap time, Kaylea painted the letters to her name for Pinterest project I am going to start working on soon.

We worked on another pinterest project.  Kaylea loves helping me in the kitchen.  We are having an art playgroup at our house on Wednesday and we needed to make some snacks.  They turned out really cute.  Jordy gave them a thumbs up, but Kaylea did not approve.

Kaylea decided she was hungry and wanted a jelly sandwich.  She did not take a bite.  She just wanted to spread the jelly.  It probably didn't help that we had just eaten at Moe's.

We had a laid back Labor Day weekend, just like it should be.  All in all, I started and/or finished 5 craft projects I have pinned.  Kaylea loves to craft with me - we were made for each other!
I almost forgot - Daddy and Kaylea built a tent in her room :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Lovin' the Pinterest projects. You go, girl! :)