Sunday, September 1, 2013

Growing Up

My baby is growing up! I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it is happening whether I want it to or not. Just 5 short weeks ago, I was taking Kaylea to her first official day of preschool at Christian Academy and she was crying and throwing a fit for mommy not to leave. About a week later we developed a new game – I would help her get started playing. Just as an example, I would build a block out for her to knock over or she would give me a doctor check-up and tell me I was clear to go to work. Fast forward to now. I take Kaylea in and as I’m signing her in she says, “Bye mommy. I love you and I’ll see you tonight.” She has been wanting to walk into the “breakfast room” by herself. She no longer wants to be carried (unless it is a really long walk). Just a few weeks ago she wanted to be carried everywhere. It seems to have happened so quickly. I’m not sure I am ready for her to grow up, but ready or not, it is happening.

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