Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Poor Mimi

My mom has been sick.  I feel like cancer is taking my mom away and I don't like it.  Last week she went in for chemo after not being able to breath for almost a week.  It was bad.  They ended up admitting her to the ER where they drained almost 2 liters of fluid from her lungs.  I don't even understand what the fluid is, but I have researched it enough to understand the cause.

Today, Jordy went with my mom to chemo and I joined them during my lunch at work.  My mom didn't end up having her chemo because her port is now infected.  They ended up admitting her to the hospital to administer IV fluids and to ultrasound it.  Also, based on some things we have been telling them about the way she has been acting, they decided to do a precautionary MRI to see if the cancer has spread to her lungs.  

Kaylea and I went to visit her today and Dr. Kaylea took good care of her.

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