Monday, July 1, 2013

happy 4th birthday lucas asher

We made it home in plenty of time to celebrate Lucas turning 4!  His party was at 2pm and we got there right on time.  It didn't take Kaylea long to start playing.  She played in the sand and on their awesome playground set.  There was a pinata at the party and Kaylea was very excited when she knocked it off the string.  She didn't actually break it, but just knocked it down.  A parent tore it apart at that point.

Kaylea wanted to help Lucas open his presents, but settled for bringing them to him to open instead.  We had to laugh because she kept referring to him as, "Lucas Asher," which I assume she heard his mom or dad say a time or two.

Lucas seemed to have a good time and so did we.  Jordy and I were tired when we got home, but Kaylea was ready to go, go, go!!!

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