Sunday, December 7, 2014


It is hard to believe, but we are headed to Washington DC.  This has all happened so quickly.  On 10/09/2014 I flew to Headquarters, only my third time being in DC, for an interview for a senior city delivery specialist and city strategy specialist.  I was only given one week’s notice to be there and prepare.  It was the most difficult interview I’ve ever had to prepare for.  There was no way to anticipate the question and I didn’t know anyone who had interviewed there before.

I wasn’t sure how the interview went when all was said and done.  I certainly didn’t know all of the answers, but it seemed conversational and lasted over the planned hour.  Less than three weeks later, I received a phone call and a job offer.  About a week later and a few negotiations in, we are signed up to head to DC. 

I officially start the job on November 29, but we will not have to move until the end of the school year.  There are so many knowns at this point.  We are taking a leap of faith and moving to the big city.  In some ways I have questioned the decision.  WE just bought our dream home, we just joined a church and have become active, and we are definitely leaving behind a great core group of friends. 

However, we prayed and had questions answered and feel like this is the move we are supposed to make.  It isn’t always  perfect timing, but we are always ready to roll with it.

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