Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cookie Decorating Party

Cookie decorating has become a yearly tradition.  It started in Sellersburg, moved with us to Lafayette, and came back with us to New Albany.  I love it, the kids love it, and even Jordy doesn't mind.  This year we invited a house full and only 2 kids couldn't make it.  I usually have it in the morning, but we did it on a Friday night this year.  I think it was more fun this way.  We had dinner (everyone brought something).  We iced and decorated the cookies, made reindeer food, and did a craft.  I actually made the cookies a few days before and put them in the freezer.  They were so very yummy, even with canned icing!

I will admit, I was exhausted by the time everyone left.  Thankfully, I have a fabulous husband who took care of most of the clean up and my mom did all of the dishes.  You do not know how much this meant to me.

On a side note, the cookies did not make it to Christmas Eve.  The cat knocked them off of the counter and the dog and cat had a nice treat together.

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