Friday, December 13, 2013

First Snow of the Winter

We got snow this weekend. School was called off for Jordy & Kaylea so they got to spend some time together. It didn't start icing and snowing until after 1pm, but it got prety bad quickly. It took me over an hour to get home (double time), but when I got home Jordy was ready to go out for dinner. It's taken 14 years, but he is finally on board for a crazy adventure. We picked up my mom and went to Tumbleweed. We weren't the only ones out, but there weren't too many people out there. Sunday afternoon, I lucked upon a pair of snow pants in Kaylea's size at Target. It was the only pair left - and they were on sale! I was excited. We went home and got bundled up and played in the snow. She lasted about 20 minutes, which was longer than I expected! She kept wanting me to tackle her in the snow until her fingers got cold.

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