Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Carter

Kaylea was invited to her first birthday party from a school friend at Christian Academy. Carter turned 5 and had his birthday at SIGS. I wasn't sure if she actually wanted to go, but her friend Lucy was going to be there, so she went. She seemed to have a great time, until they passed out the treat bags. Not every treat bag was the same. Kaylea had a complete meltdown when everyone had a whistle, except her. Luckily, there was a little boy from her class there and he was super sweet and gave Kaylea his whistle. I honestly did not know how to handle this situation. It really wasn't fair and she really wanted a whistle, but life isn't fair, right? I intially had her ask the mother, thinking there was probably an extra treat bag - no luck. That only made it worse. I had just decided we were going to leave when Sam gave her his whistle. She was instantly happy.

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